Share a gallery of images to preview your work

Create intriguing image QR codes to inspire audiences to connect with you

Using an image QR code, people will ask for demos, quotes, attend events, and book appointments by clicking on your URL or on a CTA button on the QR code palette.

image qr code with display in front

Inspire With Images

Now customers can see your latest listings for homes, art work, hairstyles, event planning, architecture projects, and more even before they go to your landing page to give them an extra reason to keep up communication. These codes are dynamic so you can easily update your images and content.

Encourage a Call-to-Action

With an image QR code, your audience will be able to click on a customizable button to be able to get to your link right away to reach out, making it easy and convenient to choose your service over a competitor's.

Leave a Lasting Impression

In addition to the image gallery that appears when the QR code is scanned, decorating your palette and QR code with branded colors will make a lasting impression as a unique extra your company can share for inspiring others to choose to follow you.

Professionalise your QR code strategy.
Start using Supercode today.

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