7 Tips for Collecting Customer Feedback With QR Codes

Feb 17, 2021
Five white stars on the table on yellow bright background

Collecting QR code customer feedback through QR code forms, is now the easiest and the most efficient way to ensure a great customer experience, forming a two-way communication channel necessary for boosting consumer trust and relationships, and increasing long-term sales. 

By July 2020, QR code usage through cell phones had increased up to 26% according to Postalytics, and will continue to escalate in 2022. Because of the ease of use and high adoption rates of QR codes, collecting feedback with forms will only become more effective and deliver higher response rates when asking for customers’ opinions.  

Have you ever wondered how your customers feel about you and the service they are getting? You’re not alone. Most sellers don’t know how to ask for feedback or don’t want to inconvenience customers, in turn, not receiving feedback. Getting past the frustration of how to ask is now easier. With Supercode, a QR code feedback form can be generated in minutes with your company logo and colors, asking for customer feedback on a wide array of services and products in any industry.

It is possible to improve your products and services and also ask for friendly feedback from the customer. It's an easy 7-step process that delivers great results. If you want to learn how to ask for feedback with QR code feedback forms and how to make a feedback QR code, keep reading. We'll also teach you how to create a feedback form with Supercode's QR code video tutorial.

1. Create a QR code feedback form

The benefits of QR customer feedback forms is that you create the questions and categories that you want your customers to respond to. Use questions and categories already prewritten by Supercode, or customize them to your needs. The form also allows for customers to leave additional comments and their contact information, opening up a channel of communication about an improvement the company can make. It takes only a few seconds to make a Supercode QR code for feedback.

Creation of a new online feedback form with QR codes

2. Make your feedback QR code stand out

QR codes that are visually appealing and have a powerful design not only attract the attention of customers and incentivise people to scan QR codes, but also give businesses a chance to boost their brand image. Supercode enables users to create eye-catching designs, by allowing them to add a company logo, customise colors, choose from a wide variety of shapes, frames and symbols that can be easily integrated into the design. A tone of voice used to ask questions and provide customers with directions also contributes to the way your brand is perceived. 

Customised brightly coloured QR code with different shape designs

3. Test the feedback QR code

It is important to test the feedback QR code to make sure that the content behind the code is correct. To check the code simply direct your mobile phone camera at the code and you will be taken to the customer feedback form. In case there is a mistake, editing the information behind the code is easy for businesses to do.

Follow these three steps: 

1. Log in to your dashboard where you will see all of the codes. 

2. Choose the code you are working on and click on the ‘edit’ button. 

3. Make all the necessary changes in the QR code survey generator and click ‘save’. 

Dynamic QR codes, unlike static codes can be changed at any time. Don’t like your code or make a mistake? Test it out and delete it at any time and create a new one in minutes! QR codes will become one of your and your customers' favorite customer feedback tools!

Mobile online feedback form for a bar with star rating and section for comments

4. Display feedback QR codes in can't-miss places 

Get creative with where to place the feedback QR code so that it reaches your business audience and attracts the most attention. Print the QR code on packaging, receipts, brochures, and mailers or go for more original options and place them on branded merchandise, company’s T-shirts or event attendance bracelets. 

For a more sustainable and eco-friendly option, a QR codes for a survey can be printed on just a few posters to be placed in the most visited areas such as, waiting rooms, lobbies, or near the exit in a boutique. Additionally, to go completely paperless, place QR codes for feedback on digital displays

To learn more about the best practices and to avoid common mistakes, when it comes to printing and distributing QR codes, see 50 Dos and 50 Don'ts for QR Codes.  

5.  Encourage customers to scan feedback QR codes 

Giving an incentive is a powerful way to encourage customers to share their feedback. A reason to scan the code can vary from special offers, a chance to participate in the competition, or get a discount or receive a free gift. If the company has a reward system with points, throw a couple of points in there if the consumer completes a fun, simple feedback form. Puma ran a feedback program where they offered a 20% discount on their next purchase if customers completed the click-through survey before leaving the store. This is a huge incentive not only to complete the survey but to come back next time to shop.

Supercode QR code feedback form and easy design process empowers businesses to specifically incorporate the incentive in the design of the QR code itself. For example, a business can mention a “20% discount,” or a “Get a free coffee” on the QR codes to add a strong call-to-action and motivate customers to scan QR codes and leave their feedback. 

A woman scanning a qr code at the counter to pay for the take-away coffee and food
Image source: Giggsy25 / Shutterstock

6. Track your feedback QR code reviews and modify campaigns 

Tracking QR code analytics to check your reviews and acting on feedback enables businesses to increase customer satisfaction. Listening to data-backed responses builds strong relationships between brand and consumer. In addition, the contact information collected as a part of the simple feedback form (unless the customer chooses to leave the feedback anonymously) allows businesses to reply to customers directly in order to address any questions or simply thank them for the review.  

Just like with any data-driven campaigns, tracking your analytics for feedback is a necessary part of keeping up with the competition and always giving the best customer service to your clients. On the Supercode dashboard companies can see how many feedback forms have been completed, when reviews were left, optional customer contact information, optional comments, and from where the feedback was given.

7.  Repeat the process

Keep your feedback QR code up for as long as you want to keep improving your business. You can adjust the questions anytime if you need to address a different topic, or add new product and service options to give feedback on. The feedback QR code is adjustable with your campaigns. Use the analytics to view your progress over time and celebrate milestones.

Video tutorial: How to create a feedback QR code

Check out our video below and to learn how to make any QR code in Supercode's platform, subscribe to our YouTube channel!

In summary

Customers will appreciate what you're doing in trying to improve your services. They will also be encouraged to give feedback with QR codes because it's just so easy to do. No signing into a website and no singing up for an account. Only scanning. Customers want to be heard.

A Supercode QR code for surveys is the perfect solution for receiving customer feedback quickly that brands need to know to improve their products and customer experiences. Sign up for Supercode to start creating feedback QR codes.


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